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Sentiment Analysis Paper presented at HCI International 2017

HCII is one of the largest HCI conferences, which this year (10 – 14. Jul. 2017) took place in Vancouver, Canada. The conference location was right on the waterfront with a spectacular view of the harbour. The conference included 1,228 papers (with an acceptance rate of 28%). ZSI presented a paper on user experiences around semantic analysis, part of the learning analytics work in EmployID. 

Active Listening – a core skill of (peer) coaching & facilitation

Active Listening is one of the core skills of peer coaching identified by EmployID and is also very important in other facilitation activities and personal life. The video by Carmen Wolf (KIT) shows Do’s and Don’ts and what is necessary to be an active listener.





Peer Coaching Procedure – the most important if you want to do peer coaching

Peer Coaching Procedure – most important to do peer coaching In this video the EmployID peer coaching concept is explained by Carmen Wolf (KIT) in short to get an idea about how the process runs and what it is necessary to do in which role. The video is for information only and does not replace training to become a peer coaching practitioner. If you are interested in peer coaching training please contact us at: coaching[at]




EmployID at symposium on coaching supervision in Kassel

EmployID has been invited to the symposium on coaching and supervision at the "Jobcenter" in Kassel, Germany, which had been initiated by the large German supervision association DGSv. Results from the research on coaching and supervision in Jobcenters were presented and discussed. The main target group for this workshop were supervisors and coaches that already work as external or internal supervisors and coaches in German Jobcenters and employees of German Jobcenters who already benefit coaching and supervision or are interested in coaching and supervision.

Clear steer for future project direction from user engagement process

Prof. Jenny Bimrose and Dr. Alan Brown, University of Warwick

Our consultations with PES in UK and Slovenia have resulted in a very clear message from the user engagement process. The very good news is that the PES do want support for identity transformation, but the support they want is slightly different from what we were expecting when we drew up our initial description of work, so all facets of the project will now need to respond in an agile way. One of the major requests from DWP (the UK PES) was the need to work on labour market information (LMI) / data so we can help the LMI specialists to coach PES practitioners to use this in ways which could transform their practice.

Etienne Wenger at ECTEL 2014: 21st century is going to be the century of identity

Etienne Wenger, influential thinker and researcher in the field of learning and knowledge management who is known for his groundbreaking work on communities of practice, has given a keynote at ECTEL 2014 in Graz, Austria. In this inspiring keynote he has shared his views on the challenges of learning for our age. Towards the end of his talk, he highlighted that 

The 21st century is going to be the century of identity

Forming, transforming, developing identity has become increasingly complex with the complexity of the landscapes of knowledge and competences and the individual learning trajectories in this landscape. To the TEL community, he has posed the challenge of finding ways of supporting identity-related processes.

EmployID addresses with its research one important aspect in this challenge: how to facilitate with the use of technology such identity transformation in a professional context. EmployID also adds the collective perspective of identity development.

We're excited to continue on this learning journey to contribute to meeting this challenge!

MATEL 2014: Towards motivational design patterns for technology enhanced learning

Motivational Aspects are of particular importance when it comes to learning and identity development. However, there are only a few research results on systematic engineering processes for considering motivation as part of motivational design. To foster such research is the mission of the MATEL Workshop series for which the sixth edition has successfully taken place as part of ECTEL 2014 and I-KNOW 2014 in Graz, Austria. It has been organized as a joint activity of the projects EmployID, Learning Layers and MIRROR.

The focus of the workshop was on developing a pattern-based approach to capture the experiences that have been gathered in various contexts in a structured way. The workshop participants actively discussed along a hands-on session of developing a pattern how a structure and process for such patterns should look like. The results are summarized under, and participants have agreed to continue the activity within online meetings in the coming months.

EmployID is defining its agile project management methodology

With now almost five months after the start of the project and its "contextual investigation phase" in full swing, EmployID is preparing for adopting a more structured approach to its agile project management approach. While there are plenty of materials and experiences with agile project management and agile development for customer projects, little consideration has been given to the specific nature of multi-disciplinary, multi-national research projects. While Scrum as an agile project management methodology seems appropriate to address the challenges, its basic assumptions are not easy to meet in such a setting. Therefore we have started to adapt the methodology to large-scale research projects, also based on experiences that have been collected as part of earlier projects, such as the MATURE project.


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