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EmployID: Professional Identity Transformation
Posted on 22 September 2016
The personalisation of Public Employment Services (PES) to meet the specific needs of individuals, including employers, is crucial. PES staff must have sufficient knowledge, skills and time to spend with their clients in their efforts to tailor services to meet individual need, particularly in moving more people towards learning and work. Findings from a review of literature, including a meta-analysis of recent Active LabourMarket Policies (ALMP) (Card et al, 2015) indicate the average impacts of ALMP vary across groups, with larger effects for females and participants drawn from the pool of long-term unemployed, and smaller effects for older workers and youths. Hasluck & Green (2007) note the heterogeneous nature of disability and the wide range of issues that people face in entering and retaining work. Audhoe et al (2009) highlight robust evidence that peer-led group work can be effective in improving well-being and employment. Purvis et al (CESI, 2014) provide an excellent summary of international research findings. They highlight a model built around holistic engagement of the participant and those around them, effective profiling, job matching and then extensive support in work is most effective, but they also highlight this is relatively expensive and needs to be effectively targeted. In this context, professional identity transformation of PES staff requires different forms of input and support, both online and offline.
Barnes et al (2016) in a European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) major European study of low qualified adults’ emphasise the importance of vulnerable adults having accessto guidance and counselling to assist them in confidence building and self-esteem. A number of reviews (Shaw Trust 2013; Didben et al, 2012) have noted, there are constraints in terms of clearly identifying what works, mainly due to a lack of consistency in the definitions used to categorise participants, support models or methods of service delivery and programmeoutcomes. There is also a lack of robust assessments of the additional impact of programmes,and on the costs and benefits of differing interventions.
EmployID is a major European research project aiming at supporting PES and their employees in adapting to the changes to their world of work by facilitating the development of their professional identities. Visit:
A new online book: The EmployID Approach - Empowering Chnage in Public Employment Services
Card, D., Kluve, J. & Weber, A. (2015) What Works? A Meta Analysis of Recent Active Labour MarketProgramme Evaluations, National Bureau of Economic Research: Working Paper 21431, Cambridge, MA02138, July 201541.
Hasluck, C. and Green, A. (2007) What works for whom? A review of evidence and meta-analysis for theDepartment for Work and Pensions. Department for Work and Pensions Research Report No. 407.42.
Audhoe, S. S., Hoving, J. L., Sluiter, J. K. and Frings-Dresen, M. H. (2009) ‘Vocational interventions forunemployed: Effects on work participation and mental distress. A systematic review.’ Journal of OccupationalRehabilitation, 20(1), pp.1–13.43.
Purvis, A., Foster, S. & Lanceley, L. (July 2014) Fit for Purpose: Transforming employment support for disabled people and those with mental health conditions. Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion.44.
Barnes, S.A., Thomsen, R., Weber, P., & Barabasch, A. (2016) Learning and Career Transitions of LowQualified Adults in Europe, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Vol. 44, Issue 2 pp.141 -144.45.
Shaw Trust, (2013) Making Work a Real Choice: Where next for specialist disability employment support?London.46.
Dibden, P et al, (2012) Quantifying effectiveness of interventions for People with common health conditions in enabling them to stay in or return to work: A rapid evidence assessment DWP research report 812, London