On Friday 17th February 2017, the EmployID team comprising Jenny Bimrose, Deirdre Hughes, Pablo Franzolini and John Marsh, co-delivered a highly interactive peer coaching workshop to 15 participants from the Local Employment Support Network (LESN), the National Centre for Guidance in Education (NGCE) and the University of Limerick. The team introduced the EmployID Peer Coaching framework and EmployID Academy resources. There are 25 local employment services in the LESN, employing over 300 staff. They operate under contract with the Department of Social Protection (DSP), with an annual process of agreeing targets and resources to deliver this service. Practitioners hold a Certificate or Diploma in Adult Guidance Theory and Practice from NUI Maynooth or an equivalent qualification or higher e.g. Masters qualification. This workshop provided an opportunity for partners to work together to consider ways in which peer coaching may be built into continuous professional development (CPD) activities now and in the future.