Public Employment Services
Submitted by pablo.franzolini on Sun, 2018-01-21 17:26

Disclaimer: The following article does not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.
Author: Tomas Sprlak, Service Manager, Guidance and Counselling Department of the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.
Submitted by pablo.franzolini on Wed, 2014-10-08 15:24
Prof. Jenny Bimrose and Dr. Alan Brown, University of WarwickOur consultations with PES in UK and Slovenia have resulted in a very clear message from the user engagement process. The very good news is that the PES do want support for identity transformation, but the support they want is slightly different from what we were expecting when we drew up our initial description of work, so all facets of the project will now need to respond in an agile way.