Submitted by pablo.franzolini on Tue, 2014-12-23 16:45

Pablo Franzolini and Carmen Wolf presented the EmployID project and worked with the participants to discuss about the aspects to take into acount for an effective technology enhanced coaching (or technology enhanced guided-informal learning) at the Tenth Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2014, in April 2014
Brief description: The working environment is facing the challenge of organizational change where employees need to adapt to downsized and restructured organizations and where specialized hands on experience and the mixture of specialized knowledge, widely acquired via informal learning, is has become a crucial factor for productivity and effectiveness on the job. This means that continuous formal and informal learning is needed (Marsick & Volpe, 1999, p. 1). Since the formal learning processes are mainly covered by training within the organizations the informal learning implies a greater self-determination in learning and require the right skills to navigate through the chaotic offers of ever increasing information sources, as well as making use of their peers and trusted knowledge repositories, on the actual settings is clear that learning effectively from other people is necessary and this “implies greater scope for individual agency than socialization.”(Eraut, 2004, p. 1). Within the European project EmployID the objective is to support European Public Employment Service (PES) practitioners with their professional identity transformation and career adaptability. One possible solution for this could be the implementation of Technology Enhanced Coaching (TEC), that supports individual, group and organizational informal learning through a Coaching to Facilitation Competence Framework (CFCF), Training on Coaching such as an peer coaching (M)OOC or workshops and different approaches on the combination of coaching and reflection processes.