peer coaching
HZZ Peer Coaching workshop with HZZ trainers
Pablo Franzolini and Carmen Wolf facilitated the Peer Coaching HZZ Trainers workshop at Split, Croatia on 9th of May 2018. An observation sheet was used to provide feedback to the implementaton of the Peer Coachig process (idea that came from the experience of DWP, one of out EmployID project partners).
1st Train the Trainer workshop delivered at CES (Public Employment Service, Croatia, HZZ)
EmployID’s first train-the-trainer workshop on providing peer coaching training was held by Carmen Wolf and Pablo Franzolini from 7th to 8th March 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia. The participants were trainers, PES practitioners, HR specialists and coaches that work in different offices at CES.
The goal of the train-the-trainer workshop was to provide additional knowledge and skills of EmployID peer coaching to practitioners at CES who already participated in last year’s EmployID peer coaching kick-off workshop or the online-course or both. Another goal was to discuss and brainstorm on possible ways how to implement peer coaching process into business processes and into everyday work practice. The idea was to provide enough material and knowledge to provide further peer coaching training within CES. The workshop was a reaction on feedback from the previous workshop and online-course where some of the participants stated that they need additional knowledge and skills to provide further training into peer coaching.
The Power of Responsibility through technology enhanced Peer Coaching

EmployID Peer Coaching framework goes to Dubai
The EmployID project Coaching to Facilitation Competence Framework was presented, practiced and feedback was gathered at the workshop "Skills for effective guided learning - tools for achieving ambitious learning and innovation goals" at the Interactive Collaborative Learning Conference (part of the 2014 Word Engineering Education Forum). Description: Technology enhanced learning solutions provide a support to a variety of formal and informal learning processes.