Vox: National Agency for Lifelong Learning
The brief for this keynote presentation was ‘Labour market information (LMI) and careers/employment counselling’. A key focus for the presentation was the EmployID project, with its focus on supporting the professional identity transformation of counsellors located in Public Employment Services, through the development of desktop applications designed for use by PES practitioners on LMI, first in the UK, now in Slovenia. The presentation was attended by practitioners, managers, researchers and representatives of different Ministries and was well received.
Second e-guidance and e-governance seminar: Nordic countries
Immediately after this first presentation in the morning, Jenny travelled to a second venue in Oslo after lunch to give a similar presentation as the keynote at the ‘Second e-guidance and e-governance seminar’ for the Nordic countries. With the focus of the seminar being on e-guidance and e-governance, a good deal of interest was shown in the pioneering work of EmployID in piloting and implementing LMI applications into practice with counselling professionals.